Thursday, September 29, 2011

iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day 9/29/11

Sorry I haven't been keeping up. I've be so damn busy. But, here it is!

Curial auric... what choo know about that, son!?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Back home

I'm back home!

The tour was awesome and I learned a lot! Was a lot of hard work but it definitely paid off.

Been busy since I got back. Time to relax and read some new comics :) new word of the day tomorrow. Later all!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Short tour with Ambrosia

Got a long weekend ahead of me. Going on a 3 day tour with the band Ambrosia as a sound tech for my internship. Gotta be out of the house at 4:45 am to make a 4 hour drive out to the west coast of Florida for the first night. I'm very excited!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day 9/22/11

Today's word(s) of the day is...
And duck...yep. I'm too tired to come up with anything. Later!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Incubus show

I know I completely forgot about my iPhone word of the day, was real busy today.

But! You can find my concert review for the Incubus concert here! Dr. Frenzy's Concert Review!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Incubus and Young The Giant

 I will be seeing Incubus and Young The Giant tonight and i'm super excited :D

I will be posting my concert experience in my other blog here Dr. Frenzy's Concert Review

iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day 9/20/11

The iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day is...'s crazy how Xbxkdjfza can become shameless lol, I swear auto-correct has a mind of its own.

Monday, September 19, 2011

iPhone Auto-Correct word(s) of the day! 9/19/11

Today's iPhone Auto-Correct word(s) of the day is...

"The Shekels Andy, Get the Shekels!" lol

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Green Arrow

I'm getting better at this :)

iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day 9/18/11


Today's iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day is...

Dhaka sneak! Hm... Them Dhakas...being all sneaky... I don't even know what i'm saying.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

iPhone Auto-correct word(s) of the day 9/17/11

Here's todays iPhone Auto-correct word of the day!

Athapaskan, huh?

Athapascan , Athapaskan , Athabascan or Athabaskan (ˌæθəˈpæskən, ˌæθəˈbæskən)
— n
1. a group of North American Indian languages belonging to theNa-Dene phylum, including Apache and Navaho

Well, i've learned something new today :P

Friday, September 16, 2011

Deathstroke, The New 52

So, DC Comics has just recently rebooted it's 52 original comics.

I've recently got into Deathstroke, and he's a badass! lol. Well, I decided to draw him and this is how it came out. I'm very happy with the result! ^^

iPhone auto-correct word(s) of the day! 9/16/2011

I've decided to do something...fairly stupid, but I think some people will enjoy it! I'm going to basically spam my iPhone keyboard and see what the auto-correct thinks I'm trying to type. I'm going to try to do this once a day every day, hopefully i'll remember lol, well, here's the first one!

Siege sayids huh? Well, i'm familiar with "siege" but sayids? Completely clueless. If anyone would like to enlighten me on what that means, comment please.

Silas: A New Beginning

A few years back I was in a band and we were getting decent. Then everything just went to hell and we ended up breaking up. Well, recently I ended up meeting up with our old guitarist and jammed again and it seems to be much better.

Now my girlfriend and I decided to work our problems out with him and start up a new band. It's going great so far! We're working real hard and are actually having our own unique sound for once!

I'm very excited and I hope we get somewhere with this, we have a lot of potential!

Until then, here's a video of us doing some acoustic stuff!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Big 4 Tour

So, The Big 4 Tour hit Yankee Stadium, NY last night.

I wish I could have went!
Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica! Would be such an epic show, and it apparently was!

I hope they extend dates so they do a full US tour, that would be the best!

Well, here's to hoping!