Friday, October 21, 2011

Great Day

I had an awesome morning lol,

I got admitted to the "Buzz Lounge" (a local radio station's small stage where they have bands play acoustic sets) to see an acoustic set...and It was sick! Got my Mayhemfest poster signed by them, too! 

But! On the way up in the elevator I was talking to one of the DJ's and he asked if we were going to the show tonight, and I told him we couldn't afford it (which was true.) Well, after the show he gave us tickets :D Sadly, I had to work so I couldn't go, but my girl went with one of her friends :) It was Trivium and Dream Theater. I have seen Trivium 3 times now and I'm not too familiar with Dream Theater. But i'm sure it was an awesome show!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Sorry to anyone who reads my blog, I've been so damn busy I haven't been able to do anything :(
I'll be back soon I promise!